4 Ways An Accountant Can Help A Small Business

Posted on: 14 November 2017

Small businesses often run with minimal staff and a close eye on the bottom line. If you're a small business owner, you may think that you can take care of your company's bookkeeping and financials on your own, but doing so is often a mistake. Investing in the services of an accountant who is experienced with working with small businesses is almost always money well spent. Some of the ways that an accountant can help your small business include:

Maximize Tax Deductions

Paying taxes is inevitable, and small businesses often have heavy tax burdens. Depending on your company's sales, you can owe the government a lot of money when tax time rolls around if you don't know what you are doing. Luckily, an experienced accountant will understand tax laws, so he or she will be able to review your company's financials and can then identify deductions that you may qualify for. The services of a good accountant can save you a ton of money in the long run while helping to ensure that your company isn't paying more than it legally has to in taxes.

Cashflow and Budgeting Analysis

Running a small business is a big job and a lot of work. If you don't have a financial background, it is easy to lose track of your company's cash flow and veer away from a budget that allows your company to be profitable. One way to rectify this issue is by hiring an accountant for a cash flow and budgeting analysis. Getting a cash flow and budgeting analysis can improve your company's liquidity, reduce overhead costs, and increase your profitability in the long run. 

Prevent an Audit

No small business wants to deal with an audit by the IRS, but if your financial information is not properly kept, it is a possibility. One of the easiest ways to prevent a stressful tax audit is by having an accountant do the bookkeeping for your company. When you outsource this task to an accountant, you will have the peace of mind of knowing that everything has been done properly and you won't have to deal with the IRS due to preventable errors in your company's books.

Make Long-Term Choices

One of the keys to successfully growing a small business is to have good financial foresight. Before making any major financial decisions for your company, it is always a good idea to seek the advice of an accountant. An accountant will be able to look at the financial health of your company and help you determine whether or not your short-term financial decisions will lead to long-term growth. 

Contact an accountant like Heller David for more information and assistance. 


Understanding Business Taxes

After I started working as an independent contractor, I was astonished with how much my taxes were at the end of the year. I was really frustrated with the entire process, so I began working with an accountant to make things right. They were really interesting to talk to, and before I knew it, things were getting sorted out. This blog is here to help people to know how to understand business taxes and to take care of them the right way the first time. Read more about going through, organizing your finances, and saving for a brighter, happier future.

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